Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sooooo, What are YOU canning this season?? My favorite pickle recipe!

Wanted to share
my favorite pickle recipe!

16-20 small pickling cucumbers
2 cups white vinegar
2 cups water
2 TBS Pickling Salt
1 TBS white sugar
4 large heads of fresh dill
4 small cloves of garlic
2 tsp. mustard seeds

1.Cut a thin slice from all the ends of each cucumber.
2. Combine vinegar, water, salt and sugar in a large stainless steel or emamel  saucepan and bring to a boil.
3. Remove your clean jars from the canner and place 1 head of dill in each jar (4 jars)
4.Put 1 garlic clove and 1/2 teas mustard seeds into each 2 cup jar. pack cucumbers and pour hot vinegar mixturfe over the cucumbers. , leave 1/2 inch headspace. Process in water bath for 10-15 minutes.....

Makes 4 2 cup jars!


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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Here's a great meal idea! Thai peanut sauce on a bed of rice noodles

Quick and Easy!
This dish is quick and easy and full of flavor!!!!

Here's what you'll need:
1 package of rice noodles
1 cup chunky peanut butter
1/2 cup "May Ploy" sweet chili sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 cup chopped of each of the following:
green onions
shredded carrots.

In a large bowl empty the rice noodles and add 4 cups HOT water and let sit until noodles are soft (About 7-10 minutes).
While you are waiting on the noodles, put the Peanut butter, the sweet chili sauce and the sugar in a microwavable container and put in your micro wave on high for 2 minutes, take out and stir well until blended.
Strain noodles and place on plates. Pour peanut butter sauce over each plate of noodles. then add the cilantro, carrots and green onions by scattering them all over the top of each plate! There ya go! Quick & Easy!!!!
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Friday, June 28, 2013

Summers here!

Greetings friends!

I hope this post finds each of you well!
It's officially summer here in sunny California! In fact we are in a severe heat warning over the next several days, not so much fun with out air conditioning! Thankfully we have a pool!

So, what kinds of activities remind you of warm summer days? What are some of your favorite things about summer?? AND what can you do to to tie these activities to preparedness?

I LOVE going to the beach! Riding my bike there and playing in the sand, looking for sea shells..That makes me a happy girl! But how to tie that in with preparedness????? Well, bring a bucket and fill it with sand! Take that sand home and it could be used for several things!
you can use it for lining a fire pit, keeping it handy to put outdoor fires out, using it as a natural abrasive to clean rust and grime off of pots and pans....Hey, what about making "Sand" candles with the ends of all those used up candles? So will make something useful and a fun project for you and your family!

Now is the time to get the best produce and fruits! Do you have a friend or neighbor that has an abundance of fruit on their trees? Offer to pick it for them and share the bounty!!!! I know that several seniors in your area would really appreciate it!

My most favorite thing is yard and garage sales! You can find some awesome things for preparedness at those sales!!!! Things to look for:

Candles and glass lamps
good heavy cast iron pots and pans
large stainless steal stock pots
camping equipment
hand tools
blankets, sheets and towels
canning supplies
sewing items
new soaps and shampoos from their travels (great size and can be used for bartering!)
DIY books
first aid items like braces and bandages
backpacks (Great for packing extra clothes or activities for your children, also BOB for each car!)
Heavy duty boots and shoes
winter wear ( Long underwear, heavy socks, flannel shirts, coats)
Small games and activities that can be put in a backpack for the kids and adults
tarps, ropes, tent stakes
There will be a treasure trove of preparedness items out there for just pennies on the dollar! Make it a family outing! Have the kids help you look for these types of things! I'm all about saving money!
Prepping doesnt have to cost you tons!

Well, PLEASE make sure you put something aside this weekend for your preparedness efforts! It only takes a moment to fill a bottle of water! DO it for you and your loved ones!

Have a great day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hello my friends...

With the summer months coming up it makes me think of dehydrating and canning all the wonderful fruits and veggies that we have available in abundance now thru the fall!
In my mind im envisioning myself being surrounded by loads of jars filled with beautiful bright colored jams and   pickles... Happily stocking up my pantry with these priceless yummy delicacies for my family. The summer offerings from mother earth there preserved for my little family to enjoy through out a dark and chilly winter.
As well as large gallon jars filled with delightful mixes of dehydrated soup mixes and fruit snacks! But I'm afraid I'm jolted back to the stark reality that if i'm lucky i'll get to the strawberries I had prepared for the "jam fest" I never got to and put them in the freezer . AND the beautiful peaches I just "Had to Can" last summer, ALSO living in my freezer at this moment!  What is that saying? "Yhe best laid plans of mice and men....?" LOL!
Well, I have decided I WILL get my canning done this summer! And I WILL dehydrate all my planned veggies and fruits for instant meal kits.....I just need to keep reminding myself!!!!!
Are you feeling the same way as I am? Can you totally relate to this post??? I think I may find a friend or two that may want to share in the canning "Experience". This way I think I would be more motivated, get way more things done, have fun and share the bounty!!!!!! SO, what do think? Could this work for you as well?

Well, I have some red onions in the dehydrator to get out! And some work to do...I hope you are having a great day! Enjoy the sun!
Have you put water aside lately?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"Seeds of Hope"...Lets do this! FOR OKLAHOMA! PLEASE SHARE!

         "Seeds of Hope"

So, This is my thought. There are so many funds and groups getting together funds for Oklahoma. I feel so blessed to be able to live in a country where it pulls together for our own!
I wanted to put together something for the cause that everyone could participate in!!!!! From a child to an adult!
Something that we all could afford, it's not much BUT would mean alot to the people who are trying to rebuild their lives!

I call it "Seeds of Hope"....

Simply Surviving Today will sponsor this.......

If each of us would donate 1 or more packets of "Heirloom"
seeds and a note of encouragement I believe this could be a HUGE blessing and help to the folks in Oklahoma!

I feel this symbolizes the 'Stength" and "hope" we can all have in times of uncertainty and crisis. Wont you share this with all of your friends and loved ones! WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Even in the smallest of ways!!!!!!!!!

If you would like to participate in  "Seeds of Hope" please send your seeds and your note of encouragement to:

C/O Simply surviving Today
1301 S Hale ave. #80
Escondido, Ca 62029

Simply Surviving Today will be gathering the seeds and note thru September 30th. Then we will send them to the "Moore Chamber of Commerce" for distribution.

We would like to thank you ahead of time!
and I will keep all of you posted on the progress! Hummm, I think we should also have a drawing!!!! Everyone who sends in a donation will get their name thrown into the hat for some "Simply" food products!!!!!!!!

And as always...Prepare~ Share~Care & Be4 Aware!

Peace! Sherry

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Let's help "LIKE" Protective bunkers and survival on Facebook!!!

Ok My peeps!!!!! 

lets give these fine folks a hand at pushing 

their likes to over 5000 on Facebook!

Not only will you be helping them but you'll get

a chance to win a great prize!

If you check back on the posts on this blog you'll see the wonderful bunkers and awesome store that they have in Lake Elsinore, Ca!!!!!

about an hour ago · 
  • Help me reach 5,000 likes! Share this page and when we reach 5K, I will give a lucky someone a SURVIVAL BAG ($350.00 Value)

    Let's all join in and support our like minded brother and

     sister in promoting this page! 

    Thank you!

    Prepare~ Share~Care


    Be Aware!

    Peace! Sherry

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sorry for being away sooooo long!

Greetings to all!
Sorry about the long absence! Life sometimes gets in ones way!
Well, first and foremost I'll  just say 'Happy Mothers Day!' "Happy Spring" and Hello flowers and gardens!
I just LOVE when all the world is in bloom!

So here's the latest news in a nutshell.......

Bill and I got married last weekend! Yep, he made an honest woman out of me! LOL!!!!!

Our fish population has EXPLODED!!!! We have about 350 NEW babies, and the babies from the last batch are now the size of the first ones that we purchased back last what...October???? The oldest ones are huge! And very prolific!!!!! ANYONE interested is Aquaponics?????? I know where you can get some fish!!!! LOL!

"Simply" dehydrated meal line has been doing really well....We also have several NEW items!!! Soups, breakfast cereals and a awesome new fruit salad!! Also working on putting together 30~60 and 90 day meal buckets! They will have a variety of entrees, salads, side dishes, soups, breakfasts and more! At a very good price! So, if you haven't gone to our web site go check it out!!! We also have MIX~INS, That's the greatest dip mixes ever!!!!!!simply surviving today

Met a really nice gentleman who builds the greatest greenhouse kits!!!! Yep, made here in Escondido! Very easy to assemble and light!!! I will get more info up soon on this product!

Planning to plant my garden soon, should have all been put in by now but well, hey..been busy.....!  We do have the most incredible volunteer tomato plant!!! Its HUGE and its loaded with yellow pear shaped heirloom tomatoes!!!!!

Bill and I are going to have to sit down and design our garden space and hydroponic space! better get it done soon or might as well forget it!

Been saving rain water this spring, which is really something since it rarely rains here!!!! LOL! We are using it for our plants and for the big tank for the talapia.....

Im getting excited that i'll be able to get some canning done soon! We seemed to eat all the jam and pickles i had made this past year....Need to make more to save for the pantry!!!

Just a side note...IF you are dehydrating or canning , check your local grocers and ask if they would be willing to sell the "Less desirable" looking produce for CHEAP! Most smaller stores are much more willing to do this! You can get some great veggies and fruit for next to nothing and can be processed for your food storage! Check also with your farmers markets and veggie stands! It will be worth your while!!!!! And sometimes they will even give it to you free!
Check your neighborhood for fruit trees, most people dont have the desire or the time to pick it and it just goes to waste, Offer to pick it for them and split the fruit! Hey! You never know right?!

I will be working with hard wheat the next few weeks and will be developing some new recipes! So Ill be sure to post those for all to try!!!!

Well I could just keep rattling on and on but I guess I should get dinner done and on the table!

Peace and Blessings!
Nice to be back! LOL!

Friday, April 26, 2013

PLEASE read the labels!

Greetings my friends,
Today I was unbelievably appalled!I was checking out other food storage meals and kits and found that one was actually selling a bucket of primarily oatmeal and instant potatoes plus mac and cheese and a "Beef" Flavored veggie stew....Really? What was a bummer to me is no one could get much nutrition from just that!!!! And I have talked to a number of people who have actually bought this thinking they wont need anything else!!!!!
PLEASE, when buying for your emergency food storage read what it has exactly! Dont be fooled!
well, thats my rant and rave for today!
peace, Sherry

Thursday, April 18, 2013

California "Dreamin" This and That!

My daughter Shannon and I! Cruisin in the VW On a BEAUTIFUL California day!
Hi all! Thought I'd just ramble today if you dont mind!
It's a beautiful day her in Southern Cali! The sky is blue and the flowers are all in bloom, cant think of a place I'd rather be today!
Was looking around my food storage and found that I'm lacking in quite a few things! We have been using our food storage regularly and haven't re stocked!!! I need to do this as soon as I can!
One thing I do know is our water supply has become quite impressive! Which I hope each of you are storing water as well!
Im so thankful for the fact that we do have these things on hand! It's far better to "shop" at home than going to the store! LOL! Especially since money has been a little tight this past month!
But we havent gone with out much since we have it already!!!
I again urge you to put something aside each time you go shopping! Pick up an extra can or package of something you may already have to purchase and put it in your pantry!

Looking forward to growing tomatoes this season! Hopefully we will have our hydroponics set up soon! I want to start canning again! I still dehydrate constantly!!!!! It is awesome to have everything on hand to make a great soup!

ALSO thinking about making dehydrated meals for cats and dogs! All natural ingredients! And will store for up to ten years!!! LOL! Well what can I say! Always thinking! LOL!

Is anyone else concerned about North Korea?
Living where we do just makes me think we need even more items for our emergency kit! Like iodine tablets...Theres a nuclear reactor not far from our home...Its not up and running right now but still concerns me! Did you know that Seaweed is a GREAT source of iodine? AND tastes good and is fairly inexpensive! Something to ponder......

My prayers are with Boston...I cant even imagine having something like that happen to you or your city! Our world we live in is so so scary these days.....And it just goes to show us we live with a false security living here in the US. That things like this and 9-11 can and did happen to us here!

Well, I know I rattled on and hopped from one thing to another! But I wanted to make sure I jotted down something while I had a break in working!

Be kind to one another....
Pray for all....
Prepare as you can....
Help others....
Plant some veggies...
Put aside some water......
Share information with others....
Gather How to books....
Share this Blog! :)

Have a most wonderful day!
Peace, Sherry

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Well, We've Finally Have things going as they should! :)


Well, what a process! I had very little idea this whole process in packaging and manufacturing dehydrated food was so involved! LOL! Could even say I was CLUELESS! Hahahaha!
But after ALOT of hard work and perseverance we have gone to the next level!
Our Web site is looking really good with all its new product photos...The products all have nutrition labels AND we are in 3 stores as of yesterday! Whew! I can almost sit back and breath now!
If you think you may want to try a sample of our product, please Email me at give me your address, name and a short note on which products you would be interested in. I will be more than happy to send out 1-4 samples to each address.
I'm sure when you try it you'll agree its Tasty! :)
Also at this time I may pull back the reigns and just offer 12 items as well as our "Mix-Ins"which total 4 different dip mixes. Then adding the other products a little at a time. This has been so overwhelming at times! Never in my dreams did I think at this stage of my life I would be starting YET another business! I should start thinking more in the lines of retiring! LOL! Oh well, Hard work keeps you young OR puts you in the grave! havent quite decided on that one yet!LOL!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Peace, Sherry
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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fish Tacos anyone???

Greetings my friends!

Well, This past Wednesday we were "gifted" with a bunch of Talapia.. Unfortunately The circumstances that made them available wasn't so nice. Someone apparently went to our friends place of business and cut thru the chain link fence, cut into the pipes that were to the filter system to the tank that his Talapia were in and stopped the flow of water/oxygen. Very sad to say the least!.
I find it so disturbing that people have to be so malicious...But hey, that's the world we live in unfortunately.

Anyways, Bill filet-ed the fish for a few hours and then we made some fish tacos that next evening...I have to say, there is something that just dosent compare with a fish that has been raised on all natural feed as well as fresh veggies! The fish was awesome! We are looking even more forward to when our fish are ready for harvesting!

We just put another few males in the pond, and by the looks of it they are doing well! There is still one male in with about 7 females in our big tank...We hope to get another bunch of babies before we transfer them outside into the pond too!

As far as the "Nursery" we are down to only 12 babies left at this time...Makes me sad but cant imagine having 200 more fish! I would be able to feed everyone I know and then some! LOL!!!!!

So, thats the "Haps" with the fish for now!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Update on the fish farm experiment!

Greetings all!

Well, it's finally warm enough here so we put 4 of our male Talapia into the pond and after 3 days they are still alive and swimming! Good thing! These guys are over 7 inches long and will just continue to grow like crazy being in the big pond!

On a sadder note tho, I decided to put 2 of the babies, now about 2 inches long in the large tank with the rest of our fish...They seemed to be doing well for most part of the day but after coming home from the market I had noticed that they were half eaten :( NOT making me very happy! BUT I do know now that They will have to stay in the nursery aquarium until we take the rest of the bigger fish outside to the pond....
So, They will have to wait to be transferred until that time.

We have 6 large males and 6 females and are hoping to have another clutch (?) of new babies soon! I have no idea what you would call the new "Fry". The rest of the larger ones will be a great dinner size by the Fall when we have decided to harvest them!

Still trying to get it together for the Hydoponics part. I know we will need to get it up and running soon! Would like to plant and start some of the seeds I got for Organic Bell Peppers! Im excited! I have orange, yellow, red and green! That will be a great start for our Hydoponics garden! And of course LOTS of heirloom tomatoes!

Well, Just wanted to give you an update! Hope all is well with you and yours!
Plant a garden or at least a pot or two of tomatoes!
Collect dry goods and canned items for your pantry and above all........PUT aside water!!!!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thank YOU for sharing our blog!

Well, We have just passed 3000! Thanks to you and all our wonderful friends and readers we have made big strides in sharing emergency preparedness!

Thanks again!

We "Simply Surviving Today" dehydrated foods WON the taste test!

Greetings my friends,

Wanted to share a "Sister bloggers Blog"!!!  It's called "Betty B Ready" It's Betty B Ready @blogspot. We were asked if we would like to participate in a blind taste test at one of our favorite preparedness stores here in San Diego County. We of course said "YES!" and brought several samples for them to try. I was very curious to find out how our food stacked up to the BIG names and was willing to take the chance! I too have had a few of the big guys products and can honestly say I wasn't impressed! In fact that's exactly why I created my own recipes and meals!!!!

ANYWAYS>>>> We came in as WINNERS for Nutrition AND TASTE! I'm very happy and PROUD that John Q Public thinks is yummy too! NOT just friends and neighbors! LOL! Please check this Blog out! It's wonderful! Erica and her husband own 3 "Be Ready" stores!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Wheeewho! We now officially have our products in 2 stores!

Hi all!
Dropping in to let you know we are at 35 products now and are in 2 stores and growing!!!! We now have
Entrees, salads, side dishes, pasta sauces, couscous, salsas and Dip mixes! Its awesome! I hope you visit our web site and check us out!

Peace! Sherry

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rumors of wars

Have You been reading or listening to the latest news of the threats from North Korea?? What are your thoughts or concerns? I just hope and pray that we are not looking on yet another war!
I also (like always!) Want to remind you to seriously check on your Preparedness items, see what you may be lacking and restock and restore! May peace be with you and yours!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Do you know about "Moringa Oleifera" AMAZING!

I was just recently introduced to this AMAZING tree! This tree grows in arid areas where there is alot of malnutrition  and has a long list of GREAT benefits!
NutrientsCommon foodMoringa Leaves
Vitamin A as beta-caroteneCarrot8.3 mg0.4 mg
CalciumMilk300 mg185 mg
PotassiumBanana358 mg337 mg
ProteinYogurt8 g9.4 g
Vitamin COrange53 mg52 mg

As you can see in the above chart it has Vitamin A, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin C and more protein than Yogurt!

Can you imagine that! This tree can be used from the roots to the bark and tree trunk to the seed pods and the flowers! EVERY part of this tree can be used! Many Countries call it the"TREE OF LIFE"!


Fully grown moringa tree in a backyard of a house in Hawaii.

I URGE you to research this miracle plant and even consider adding this in powder form to your preparedness pantry!
This would be an essential part of your nutritional needs ! Plus the benefits with blood sugar levels, cholesterol control and helping women with the problems that arise from menopause!
I have found this awesome drink thru a friend of mine! If you'd like to check it out go to :
Also this can easily be added to your juices, soups and sauces to reap the benefits!
We at "Simply" food products will be experimenting with a few recipes we came up with and will "hopefully" be offering these soon!
Check it out!

Hey! Have you added to your emergency food recently? What about storing more water???

Peace as always!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Reaching out for some "Help" Please check this out

Greetings all! Well I have to say that the new line "Simply" has really gotten GREAT support as well as interest! We have the opportunity to get our products in a couple of BIG stores! Its been really exciting! BUT, I'm looking for some help! I've gotten to a point where I need some help to get to the next level! I have put up a "Fund raising" site in hopes that there may be a few out there who feel as passionate about Good, Healthy and Delicious dehydrated emergency meals as we do! And perhaps could help in some way. If you would, please check it out and maybe share it as well. Thanks so much! Blessings and Peace! Sherry

Monday, March 18, 2013

Web site is back up!

Yep! I just got a email! It is back up but it isnt quite complete! BUT It will be very soon! Please make sure to check it out! Peace! Sherry

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Apologies, Web site is down....

If you have tried recently to log on to the web site you may have noticed its not up right now.....
My apologies! We had built our web site on a hosting site that wasnt the best for e-commerce, so we are in the process of moving it to another that is more 'E commerce friendly! That and I wanted to be able to offer more items for my customers! I was told by my web master it should be back up by today or tomorrow and the web page will be in the place where it should and he can work on getting the shopping cart up and rolling in the next week or so! Please hang in there with us!
If you would like to order something or obtain a sample or have any questions you can contact us at:
Im looking forward to getting to know you!
and AGAIN, my apologies!
Peace! Sherry
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

News! We have 31 New Products now! At Simply Surviving Today :)

New Products!WOW! I cant believe it! WE now have 31 different products on sale NOW!
Entrees include:
Caribbean Black Beans And Rice
New Mexico Green chili with Chicken
Bombay Chicken and Rice
Fiesta Bowl beef or chicken
Tuscan White Beans
Confetti Chicken
Autumn Chicken Salad
Asian Chicken

Pasta Sauces
Basil and Garlic
Mushroom and Peppers
Sausage and Mushrooms
Chunky Veggie

Midwestern Broccoli
Carrot Craze
Wonderfully Waldorf
California Black Bean And Corn (Caviar)
Creamy Dill Potato
Zesty Potato

Veggie Harvest
Spinach and Mushroom
Lemon and Garlic
Shrimp and Spinach

Raspberries and Cream
Strawberries and Cream
Bananas and Cream
Blueberries and Cream
Apple cinnamon with walnuts

California Style Salsa
Orange Sunset Mango Salsa

So as you can see we've been REALLY busy here!
The web site is under construction but will be up and running by Friday!

You will ALSO be able to get FREE samples on line as well!
I think you'll LOVE it!
Well, Talk to you soon!
Peace! Sherry

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Wonderful Wednesday!

Evening all! Thank goodness it's Wednesday night!I can finally sleep in tomorrow! This time change is kicking my booty! LOL! I hope everyone is doing well! I will post alittle about this past weekend! So hang in there! Talk to ya then! Peace! Sherry
Mother Earth Products Mother Earth Products

Friday, March 8, 2013

1800's "US ARMY RATION" Half of ALL sales of these will go to Wounder Warriors Project!

Civil war US ARMY Ration!

We at simply surviving today are PROUD
to Donate one half of ALL sales of these
Great US ARMY Rations!
These Have GENEROUS helpings of Hard Tack, Smoked almonds, dried fruit and candy!
It comes in a replica type muslin draw string bag, just as the soldiers would receive!
A fun treat or gift for everyone!
And an AWESOME Charity to help!

Please go to :
To make a donation or check out what they are all about!

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Sliding back to the 1800's!

Civil War Soldiers
Well its that time again for Bill and I!
We just got back from the antique steam engine museum in Vista. We had to set up our tent in between the rain drops for the weekend!
This weekend we will be unveiling our "US ARMY" Rations!
We put together a great replica of a Army Ration Muslin Bag from the 1800's!
I'll post a photo in a moment!
It contains Hard tack, dried fruit, smoked almonds and candy. We will be selling them at the re enactments as well as our web site.
The whole idea behind this was to "Give Back" to a charity, the charity we have chosen  is "Wounded Warriors". This is a very worth while charity! The Rations are on sale for $9.95 and $5 from each one sold will be going to the "Wounded Warriors". I hope that you might consider checking them out!
If you get a chance Come on by!
It's going to be fun and alot of History!
Well, Guess I'll post the photo now and the web site for the wounded warriors :)
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Preparedness Class! Simply "Prep" Talk!

Simply Surviving prep Talk!

Well A great time was had by all! Last night I did a "Prep" talk for a Mobile Home park. I was able to "share" info on What a BUG OUT bag was, as a matter of fact I took my personal Bug out bag.
I had alot of interest and a lot of questions!
Also I got to share about food storage and water storage. It's really interesting to me how many people dont really keep much food in their home and actually go to the market almost daily! REALLY??? I sure hope my talk set something going in their minds!
All in all it was a wonderful time, The park management is very pro active when it comes to disaster preparedness. It's really nice to see a "business" care about the people who rent and reside there!
I'm very excited to have been asked to speak at several other parks!
So, please spread the word to anyone who will Liston to you!
Put water in storage at least weekly! If not a few times a week! Keep adding to your food pantry! Every time you go to the store grab a few cans of food or packaged items to store!
Be diligent!
Well all for now!
Peace, Sherry
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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Huffman's Fish Farm Spring 2013

Our fish are 7-8 inches long already!

I cant believe we go these little guys just a few months ago! They were just fingerlings about 3inches long! And now they are almost 8 inches!
We are going to be placing them out in our pond in about 2 months and plan on eating them close to the end of September! They should be a good pan size by then!
We will also be setting up our Hydoponics system and hooking it up to the pond. This system should prove to be awesome! The plants will be above the pond area and we should be able to harvest several containers of tomatoes, bells, chili's, lettuce and herbs!
I'm sure it will keep my dehydrator and canning pots busy all summer! LOL! I will continue to keep you posted and will take pictures of our progress as well!
All for now!
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Spring is almost here!

Spring is almost here!

Well, Spring is totally in the air!
Our bulbs are up and blooming!
Babies are Here!

So, today will be in the high 70's. And its only gonna get better by the weekend!
Makes me wanna go out and dig around in the dirt!
I think Bill and I will be planning out Spring garden this weekend...Cant wait for Tomatoes again!
So, What are you looking forward to do this spring?

Have a great day!
Peace! Sherry
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quick and EASY Patio Garden! "The sharin of the green "!

Squash in Pots!
Squash can grow ANYWHERE!
A GOURMET Salad Bowl!

Greetings friends!
The weather here is wonderful in SUNNY

I realize it's snowing in alot of other parts of the country... :( I'm sorry! BUT, Spring is just about here and I wanted to share this with you!
With Saint Patricks day coming up on us, I was thinking how awesome it would be if not only Do the "Wearing of the green" But how about some "Sharing of the green"???? NOT CASH!!! LOL! Although that could work for any of us! LOL! But sharing a seedling or starter veggie plant with your friends!
By helping someone get started growing veggies and fruit youre helping them learn in a sideways way to "Prep'!
I urge you to give it a try! Im sure the people you give them to will appreciate it!
The photos shown above are from years past...I was living in the mountains and couldnt plant ANYTHING in the yard for fear of ground squirrels and the Gophers would nibble them to well...nothing!!!! After hundreds of dollars and heartache I decided to grow my 'SALAD" bowl garden up on my deck where the critters (well most of them) couldnt get to before I got to enjoy the fruits of my labors!
I went to K-Mart and purchased a children's hard plastic wading pool, drilled holes a couple of inches apart all over the bottom and filled the bottom of the pool with rocks. then I put potting soil and mulch.
At one point I put up a small trellis in the center for the Beans and planted several types of lettuce, radishes and carrots, tomatoes and herbs...It was sooooo easy to take care of, just being able to walk around it and pull weeds or pick the veggies was so worth it! I had put it up on a large patio table for easier access, no bending over!!!
After doing that it was always my favorite way to have a garden or two on my deck/patio!
Just wanted to share that with you, have a warm, safe and happy week!
Remember to Store some Water!
I hope y
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Friday, February 22, 2013

So Glad you stopped by!

Hello! So glad you decided to stop by! Have you checked out our new web page? It's changing almost daily! Our new food line "simply" has been launched and is getting rave reviews! Come by and get a "taste" test!
Wanted to remind you as well, EVERYDAY is a PREP day! Make sure you put aside some more water, add a few items to your emergency food pantry every week and take an inventory on what you have in the way of food and first aide and make sure to add to what you need!
Keep in mind as well personal care products. These can be purchased inexpensively. Baby wipes etc.Toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo and conditioner. Bath and body soaps.

The Dollar store is one of the best places to go for your prepping needs! I have found alot of great deals from basic personal care products to hardware and storage wear to great deals on favorite canned goods!

Second hand and thrift shops are great resources for prepping too!m I have found excellent deals on camping equipment, winter clothing, Hiking and snow boots and shampoo samples! You really never know what you may find! It's a virtual treasure hunt!!!

I hope you have a awesome weekend! PLEASE be mindful and prep something this weekend!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

WE have BABIES! Whoot!

Over 150 new baby Talapia!

This morning I was walking past the fish tank and saw a bunch of little things  floating in the tank, I thought how strange since I hadn't fed them anything abnormal to cause that, so I went and grabbed my glasses and what do ya know! TONS of little frys! That's the momma shown here, she keeps them safely in her mouth!
So,  we went and bought a "Nursery" tank for them and now Bill is getting it all set up for them! Looks like these will be way more prolific than I thought!
Anyone interested in setting up a talapia tank??? Talk to me! LOL!

So, we will need to get another tank for these guys as they grow!
Too fun!

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I am super excited to finally launch our web site!
It is and will be under construction in some areas for a short time but we're off and running!
We are offering our new line of packaged foods.
"Simply" brand dehydrated and freeze dried meals!
We now have Entrees, salads, sauces & cous~cous!!! Even a "Dessert" cous~ cous!
So, please bear with us while we work on posting more products and info! And check back often!!!
Have a great one!
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