Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quick and EASY Patio Garden! "The sharin of the green "!

Squash in Pots!
Squash can grow ANYWHERE!
A GOURMET Salad Bowl!

Greetings friends!
The weather here is wonderful in SUNNY

I realize it's snowing in alot of other parts of the country... :( I'm sorry! BUT, Spring is just about here and I wanted to share this with you!
With Saint Patricks day coming up on us, I was thinking how awesome it would be if not only Do the "Wearing of the green" But how about some "Sharing of the green"???? NOT CASH!!! LOL! Although that could work for any of us! LOL! But sharing a seedling or starter veggie plant with your friends!
By helping someone get started growing veggies and fruit youre helping them learn in a sideways way to "Prep'!
I urge you to give it a try! Im sure the people you give them to will appreciate it!
The photos shown above are from years past...I was living in the mountains and couldnt plant ANYTHING in the yard for fear of ground squirrels and the Gophers would nibble them to well...nothing!!!! After hundreds of dollars and heartache I decided to grow my 'SALAD" bowl garden up on my deck where the critters (well most of them) couldnt get to before I got to enjoy the fruits of my labors!
I went to K-Mart and purchased a children's hard plastic wading pool, drilled holes a couple of inches apart all over the bottom and filled the bottom of the pool with rocks. then I put potting soil and mulch.
At one point I put up a small trellis in the center for the Beans and planted several types of lettuce, radishes and carrots, tomatoes and herbs...It was sooooo easy to take care of, just being able to walk around it and pull weeds or pick the veggies was so worth it! I had put it up on a large patio table for easier access, no bending over!!!
After doing that it was always my favorite way to have a garden or two on my deck/patio!
Just wanted to share that with you, have a warm, safe and happy week!
Remember to Store some Water!
I hope y
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