Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our attempts twords self reliantce! Aquaponics

Backyard Fish Farming

In our attempts to become more self reliant we have been looking into fish farming. Not on a large scale mind you! But in a large fish tank right here in our living room!
It's quite easy and can produce quite a bit of fresh fish!
We have been looking into Talipia. I was surprised to find out that they are illegal in some states! Hummmmm, BUT thankfully here in California you can have them in 6 counties, and thank goodness we live in one of them!
I've been very impressed with what we have found about Aquaponics! You can set up a tank for fish and recycle the water into other containers to grow your veggies without soil! The fish actually "Feed" the plants and keep them growing big and healthy! If you get a chance and havent looked into Aquaponics/Hydroponics I highly suggest you check it out!
There's a great site called "Talipia momma" She has tons of great info and even classes on backyard fish farming! You can do this on your porch even!
I really like the whole idea of having fresh food without depending on the grocery store! Every thing tastes so much better! Not only that BUT if the stores are closed down or out of stuff, wouldnt it be great to just "Shop" at home???
I will report back as we attempt to get the ball rolling! We have set up an aquarium in the living room for the "fingerlings" (baby fish)
And I will post pictures! So, with fingers crossed we will continue on! Just hope the cat doesnt think its all for him! LOL!

All for now! Have you put any water aside this week??? Just reminding you!
Have a good one!
Peace, Sherry
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Christmas is coming! Preparedness gift suggestions!

Gift Suggestions!

Struggling with gift ideas for the people in your life???
I think a "gift" of Preparedness is a gift of love :)
Like me I'm sure you have run across some type of "struggle" when it comes to talking to your friends and loved ones about becoming "prepared".
So, To give yourself and Them a peace of mind I suggest you give a gift of preparedness!
No matter how "silly or off the wall" they think you are (And trust me they will totally as well as secretly appreciate it!) It will show them how much you care!
So, with that said here are some suggestions of gifts
you may want to consider giving.

A first aid kit, either store bought OR homemade. I did this one year for my children and they still have it! I bought new gallon paint cans and filled them with some essentials. Plus taped a paint "key" to the side so it could be opened easily! These keep things dry and protected! You can decorate the outside with permanate markers!

A subscription to a good magazine like "Mother earth news" or any "Homesteading" or getting back to the basics type magazine.

Survival guides and workbooks, first aid books for family and pets, Gardening books and 'Do it yourself" books.

Gift cards for "Preparedness"sites.

Dehydrated Food kits and cook books.

A pre-packed 72 hour bug out bag.

100 hour candles.

There are so many things you can put together for gifts and make them "fun" and "merry!"

You can look back on some of the earlier posts for lists for kits and recipes for dry mixes!

So, these are just a few ideas! I know you can come up with even more!

And as always, Peace!
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Homemade Orange Cranberry Sauce! EASY and QUICK recipe

Orange Cranberry Sauce

Well, if youre anything like me you're more than likely getting some "goodies" ready for your Holiday festivities!
I just made my Orange Cranberry Sauce for Thanksgiving and wanted to share this awesome recipe with you!
It actually takes less than 15 minutes and has a wonderful POP of flavors!
What you'll need to make 1 quart of sauce!

2 bags of fresh cranberries
1 cup of orange juice
2 cups of sugar
The zest of one whole navel orange

In a deep saucepan pour cranberries, orange juice, sugar and zest. On a medium heat stir and cook for about 10 minutes.  Your sauce will thicken and you can take a metal spoon and with the backside of it smash the berries. You dont need to smash all of them, some whole berries will make your sauce more full and colorful! Take of burner and cool.
This sauce can be used warm or cold! It's amazing with ham and Turkey!!!!!

Peace, Sherry

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

So, What are you thankful for?

Give Thanks!The seasons are changing, our friends and family gather around us and we make plans for our Holiday feasts...
What are you most thankful for?

For me I'm thankful for my friends and family...The ones Ive been given as well as the ones I have chosen <3
I'm thankful to be alive everyday and healthy and to know real love!
AND I'm thankful for you ! You have given me a chance to share with you the things I'm most passionate these days!
My hope is that as you read this blog, just one or all of the posts the words will impact you, make you think and instruct you into being mindful of what preparations you may need to do to protect you and your family in case of an emergency.
I fear for all of us....Who really knows whats to come.
Prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
I send greetings of Thanksgiving!
And my wish for each one of you is a time full of love and laughter!

Peace, Sherry
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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Survival 101 Blog Class #5~ Alternate Cooking Methods

Alternate Cooking Methods
     Ok, now most of you have your food storage, shelter plans, WATER storage and a great "Bug out" bag all ready to go! BUT do you have more than one way to cook? Now keep in mind....In case of a disaster all our electricity and natural gas will likely be shut off. So you'll need to have other sources for cooking and boiling water. This is IMPORTANT!
     90 % of all households own some type of a bbq or outdoor grill. This is great! BUT do you have enough propane or charcoal that could last you for a few weeks or more? In this Blog class I will be talking about several alternatives to use for cooking. From items you can make at home for just pennies to top of the line cook stoves!

    One of the things you'll need to consider as well is what you cook in. I firmly believe that cast iron is the way to go. It's durable and can stand all heat sources. It cleans up well and will last. Unlike most cookware we have available to us today. I strongly suggest a dutch oven. It can be used in so many ways!

Dutch oven

These are made of cast iron and can be used for everything! You can also bake in them!  they can be used on a grill, a campfire, a woodstove and even on the ground with charcoal!

     It would be a GOOD idea to purchase a cookbook on dutch oven cooking! This diagram above shows how to use it with the charcoal and can be done on the ground. This method has been around for a very long time! The cookbook will explain the number of coals you'll need for whatever you are cooking and explain the temperature regulation.

     I feel it would be a very good idea to have several different ways of cooking on hand. Keep charcoal in airtight buckets, dry firewood and extra propane on hand. These items are easily attainable now and can be stored and kept for a long period of time. In a time of crisis you will not be able to get these things because they will be the first of many things to be bought out!

    A good camp stove would also be a great investment! They are inexpensive and will be a easy way to cook! BUT remember these need Propane! So make sure to stock some cylinders! You can also purchase adapters to hook them up to larger cylinders. 

ALSO, Stock up on lighters , wooden matches, water proof matches and get a flint with a striker! 

There are many excellent cook stove alternatives out there. I was really lucky to be able to get a "Volcano collapsible Stove"

    These are awesome! You can use propane, wood and charcoal with these! Plus not only do they have a few grill tops with it but you can set your dutch oven in it and cook or bake with it that way! There is also a fold-able cover that converts this into a oven! These are available at Camping stores and online at emergency preparedness sites. The cheapest I've seen them are around $150.

   Another cooking alternative is the 'Fire in a can" This can be made with a quart size "New" paint can with a lid. All you need for this is the can and a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. I've found that the cheaper toilet paper that is single ply works the best. You will need to pull the cardboard tube out from the middle of the roll and place into the quart can. Then when you are ready to use this you pour in the bottle of rubbing alcohol into the can, saturating the toilet paper. The alcohol MUST BE 70%. This will burn the best!Then light and place your pot on the top of it. Make sure you do this outside and away from anything that may catch on fire! These little do it yourself stoves can burn for at least an hour! Then when you are finished with it CAREFULLY place the lid onto the can! I have made 8 of these and have them packed away!

Something else you may want to make is "Fire-starters" if you are planning a wood fire to be one of your chosen cooking alternatives you'll want to be able to get a fire started quickly. I've made quite a few of these and stored them in metal coffee cans. This is what you'll need:
* paper/cardboard egg cartons
* dryer lint
* Parafin wax, old candles or crayons!
* sawdust, dried leaves or pine needles.

               To prepare your egg cartons, make sure these are on a cookie sheet and DOUBLE them! I didnt put two together and the wax soaked threw all over! So make sure you dont do what I did! LOL! Put alittle bit of dryer lint and dried leaves or sawdust into each cup. In a OLD saucepan melt your wax. candles or crayons until melted all the way and pour into each egg holder. make sure to try to cover as much of the contents as possible . Let harden. Then with kitchen shears cut apart. Store in a airtight container. These last forever! When you need to start a fire you just light one of these on your wood and it will get it going!

Another item that is really something is a solar oven. You can either purchase one or there are many sites on line with the directions to make one. These are great because you dont need to provide any other energy source except the sun! The only downside to these is if the sun isnt shining!

Solar Oven

So, as you can see there are many alternatives for cooking! We personally have several of these items "Just in case"
I hope this Blog class was useful to you...And it's my hope that you pack in at least 3 different methods.

Please PREPARE! This could be the difference of life or death to you and your family!

And as ever Peace!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Next blog class ~Survival 101 ~ #5 Will be alternate cooking methods

Alternate cooking methods

Next blog class will deal with different ways to cook.
Keep your eyes peeled!
Coming soon!
Peace, Sherry
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Survival 101 ~Blog class #4~ Your "Bug out bag"

Your Bug Out Bag
So, you may be asking yourself "What's a "Bug Out  Bag"? This is a MINIMUM requirement essential for everyone for emergency preparedness!
This is a 72 hour (3 Day) survival kit that you should keep close at hand! Be it in your vehicle, by your front door , where ever you can get to it easily and quickly if you need to leave your home during an emergency situation.  Your 72 hour kit should include items to keep you warm, fed, hydrated, able to aid in minor first aid situations and safe. Keep in mind you may be stuck in your car, be evacuated to a evacuation center or told to stay in your home. You need to be prepared for all scenario's!

It should be easy to carry , like a backpack, duffel bag or a rolling case. You'll want to include these items:

* Water ~ for each person in your family , 3 gallons per person.

* Food~ MRE's , prepared ready to eat items and snacks.         

* A first Aid kit (Also any medications any family member may need).

* Personal care items IE: toothbrush, toothpaste, bath wipes, hair brush or comb, Tissues and toilet paper. Also a few heavy weight ziplock bags for sanitation purposes.

* Hand sanitizer                                                                    
 * AT least 2 changes of clothes, a jacket or sweatshirt and a pair of sturdy shoes .

*A flashlight and Batteries 
* You should have some cash on hand! You can not depend on being able to get to the bank or use a ATM.
* AN emergency blanket or sleeping bag, these are very light weight and easily put into your kit.

* A all in one tool (Like a Handyman)

* Light sticks.

* A printed out emergency "Family" plan with important info. Names and phone numbers of your emergency contacts, checkpoint contact, Any routes you may have planned for your family. When you are in an emergency mode you may not remember things being under stress.

Make sure you include pet items too and if you have children pack a few items that will help them fell comforted like a small stuffed animal, a favorite toy, a blanket...Crayons and a color book.

ALSO, if you can, and I realize this is sometimes difficult even on a good day, but try to keep your cars 3/4 to full of gas.

Find out from your city hall where your  nearest emergency evacuation centers are located in your town and have a plan in case you are separated from your family members.

Peace, Sherry

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Next Blog class~ Your BUG OUT BAG! Coming soon!

Greetings all!

Our next Blog class is on your Bug out bag! What you'll need for a 72 hour personal kit to help you thru a emergency. I'm working diligently to get this up so stayed tuned!

Peace! Sherry