Thursday, November 8, 2012

Survival 101 ~Blog class #4~ Your "Bug out bag"

Your Bug Out Bag
So, you may be asking yourself "What's a "Bug Out  Bag"? This is a MINIMUM requirement essential for everyone for emergency preparedness!
This is a 72 hour (3 Day) survival kit that you should keep close at hand! Be it in your vehicle, by your front door , where ever you can get to it easily and quickly if you need to leave your home during an emergency situation.  Your 72 hour kit should include items to keep you warm, fed, hydrated, able to aid in minor first aid situations and safe. Keep in mind you may be stuck in your car, be evacuated to a evacuation center or told to stay in your home. You need to be prepared for all scenario's!

It should be easy to carry , like a backpack, duffel bag or a rolling case. You'll want to include these items:

* Water ~ for each person in your family , 3 gallons per person.

* Food~ MRE's , prepared ready to eat items and snacks.         

* A first Aid kit (Also any medications any family member may need).

* Personal care items IE: toothbrush, toothpaste, bath wipes, hair brush or comb, Tissues and toilet paper. Also a few heavy weight ziplock bags for sanitation purposes.

* Hand sanitizer                                                                    
 * AT least 2 changes of clothes, a jacket or sweatshirt and a pair of sturdy shoes .

*A flashlight and Batteries 
* You should have some cash on hand! You can not depend on being able to get to the bank or use a ATM.
* AN emergency blanket or sleeping bag, these are very light weight and easily put into your kit.

* A all in one tool (Like a Handyman)

* Light sticks.

* A printed out emergency "Family" plan with important info. Names and phone numbers of your emergency contacts, checkpoint contact, Any routes you may have planned for your family. When you are in an emergency mode you may not remember things being under stress.

Make sure you include pet items too and if you have children pack a few items that will help them fell comforted like a small stuffed animal, a favorite toy, a blanket...Crayons and a color book.

ALSO, if you can, and I realize this is sometimes difficult even on a good day, but try to keep your cars 3/4 to full of gas.

Find out from your city hall where your  nearest emergency evacuation centers are located in your town and have a plan in case you are separated from your family members.

Peace, Sherry

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