Greetings friends!
I hope this post finds each of you well!
It's officially summer here in sunny California! In fact we are in a severe heat warning over the next several days, not so much fun with out air conditioning! Thankfully we have a pool!
So, what kinds of activities remind you of warm summer days? What are some of your favorite things about summer?? AND what can you do to to tie these activities to preparedness?
I LOVE going to the beach! Riding my bike there and playing in the sand, looking for sea shells..That makes me a happy girl! But how to tie that in with preparedness????? Well, bring a bucket and fill it with sand! Take that sand home and it could be used for several things!
you can use it for lining a fire pit, keeping it handy to put outdoor fires out, using it as a natural abrasive to clean rust and grime off of pots and pans....Hey, what about making "Sand" candles with the ends of all those used up candles? So will make something useful and a fun project for you and your family!
Now is the time to get the best produce and fruits! Do you have a friend or neighbor that has an abundance of fruit on their trees? Offer to pick it for them and share the bounty!!!! I know that several seniors in your area would really appreciate it!
My most favorite thing is yard and garage sales! You can find some awesome things for preparedness at those sales!!!! Things to look for:
Candles and glass lamps
good heavy cast iron pots and pans
large stainless steal stock pots
camping equipment
hand tools
blankets, sheets and towels
canning supplies
sewing items
new soaps and shampoos from their travels (great size and can be used for bartering!)
DIY books
first aid items like braces and bandages
backpacks (Great for packing extra clothes or activities for your children, also BOB for each car!)
Heavy duty boots and shoes
winter wear ( Long underwear, heavy socks, flannel shirts, coats)
Small games and activities that can be put in a backpack for the kids and adults
tarps, ropes, tent stakes
There will be a treasure trove of preparedness items out there for just pennies on the dollar! Make it a family outing! Have the kids help you look for these types of things! I'm all about saving money!
Prepping doesnt have to cost you tons!
Well, PLEASE make sure you put something aside this weekend for your preparedness efforts! It only takes a moment to fill a bottle of water! DO it for you and your loved ones!
Have a great day!