Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Survival Weekend, Giving it a "Test Drive"

Well, It's time to put what I "preach" to a practice run! This weekend Bill and I will be going to a Civil War re enactment for 3 days and will be taking a lot of our survival gear as well as some of our Emergency food kits we've put together! So, bringing the Dutch oven, fire starters, and a lot of dehydrated foods! No " In and Out" burgers, fish tacos or KFC! It's all or nothing this weekend!

I've already put a BIG soup mix together using my veggies I've dried! That's going to be a dinner! And tomorrow I'll be making "Hard tack". For any of you who do'nt know what that is ...It's like a big cracker! They made it in the 1800's for the soldiers. It was nutritious and could be kept for at least a year if kept dry. It's rather bland but does serve it's purpose! All it is, is flour, salt and water...Baked at a low heat for an hour or so, then turned over and baked some more!It also has something like 16 holes poked in it. I dont know why, maybe to cook it all the way!?

The only "Cheating" will be that there are real brick bathrooms! So, we still have that convenience! Although there arnt any shower facilities! We will be sleeping in a canvas tent, a replica of a Civil War era one. Ill make sure we take some pictures to show you our Weekend!

One of our "Hobbies" has been "Sutlers" at Civil War re enactments....We have a little business. It's an Emporium and we sell sundries and stuff. It's a lot of fun and you need to be in character, dressed as in the 1800's  oil lamps and so on!. So, since we already do something like living in the 1800's a few weekends a year, we feel this will help us be able to survive doing without1 Im hoping! LOL!

We've also have discussed doing a dry run at home and using our "washing kit" and cooking outside for a few weeks...Before winter.

Anyways, Wanted to just share this! I think it will prove to be interesting all the way around! So here's to this coming weekend! I will get on a few times before hand to share more recipes etc.

Please remember to put some water aside as well as a few canned items or other emergency "comfort" items! Just a few extra items every time you go grocery shopping can build your emergency food storage quite quickly!

Enjoy your evening!

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