Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hello everyone!

Well it's been a flurry of dried veggies, jerky and mylar bags here the last couple of days!
Ive dried Jalapenos (enough for a lifetime im afraid!), Garlic, cilantro, turkey, beef jerky and starting tomatoes, cabbage, onions, asparagus, celery and zucchini! Also canning corn salsa!!!!
Just wish it was cooler here! It says its 90 outside and must be over a hundred in the house!

Bill and I have been packing all out food storage items in plastic crates and buckets. We also started our emergency pet bucket.  Found 4 packs of canned friskies for 99 cents at the 99 cent store today! Good score I think! Sorry about the font change! have NO clue what I have done! OR how to change it back over!!!!!

Some other good deals we found the last few days were a 12 pack of 3 hour Sterno at smart and final for $11! And at our local thrift shop I found a Coleman 2 mantel propane lantern in a case for $7! A large enamel canning pot with lid for $7!  2 enamel ware coffee cups and bowls for only $2! AND a extra large cast iron fry pan with a lid for $6!!!! Now to label everything and take inventory! I know what we still need as far as the big purchases, still have little things to fill in!

OH!~ At smart and final they have packages of  several different kinds of pastas for ONLY 29 cents a bag! You cant beat that! There's only the two of us and we dont eat a lot of past normally so the smaller bags makes sense! It would feed 4.

Keep in mind to buy things YOU like and will eat! No sense in hoarding large amounts of stuff you will never use! We happen to like soups, so we found wonderful complete soup mixes at big lots for $3 a bag. These are hearty and have meat. I'm also putting together my own soup mixes using the dehydrated meats and veggies i'm drying. I'm adding the spices in a small bag within the mylar package so all Ill need to do is add the whole thing to boiling water. All your food storage should be rotated! So keep a log of the expiration dates with your inventory. I LOVE the dehydrator!!! It's so much easier to pack the smaller items as well as the bags! Mylar bags can be used with  your food  saver/ sealer. Also dont forget the little packets that keep your food dry and last longer!

Well, need to go get the second round of drying started! As well as my dishes done! Have a great day! I hope that some of my info I share will be helpful to you!

Peace, Sherry

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