Sunday, August 19, 2012

Simple Sunday...Taking a day of rest

Evening all!

I took the day off from my prepping, well not totally :)! I did have company today and was able to share with  my BFF and her husband the whole emergency preparedness basics and why we should do it. I think it really hit home for them to actually see what we have done so far in getting our household ready. Until it's in your face you really haven't a clue of what it really involves and the importance of it.

So, I hope that this is something they will continue to check into and start doing. I really feel that we as  human beings should reach out to all the people we know and get them to get the ball rolling .for them just a little basic education can go along ways!~ As you may know or maybe you're just starting out in your preparedness, it can be so overwhelming! That's why i started this blog in the first place....To help everyone who has an ear, to guide, educate and just plain share the ups and downs of pulling it all together! I don't think we can ever be totally prepared but I believe we can get a good start and at least survive!

Someone asked a question on face book the other day... "What is your passion?" I had to sit back and really think about it...Then it hit me! My passion is to share the knowledge I am collecting and helping others to well, basically survive! If we share this with the people we know and reach out and stand together there will be more people that will be able to survive most any crisis! Call me OCD...A fanatic...or just plain nuts...That's least I am passionate about helping not only my household but as many people I can reach! Isn't that what we are called to do in this life? To care for and help others?

LOL! Sorry! I'll step down from my soap box now! I hope this day was a restful one! Peace and Gods blessings to you and yours!

AND DON'T FORGET TO STORE SOME WATER!! We stored another 10 gallons today, not really a lot in the scheme of things but it is what it is!

The "regular" stores where you may be able to buy camping related items are starting to almost phase them out. In speaking with a few places they said that people are just not camping and vacationing like in the past. So when they run out of things they pretty much dont re-order. MOST items CAN be purchased on line.
When Bill and I went to Walmart yesterday they had a Whopping 1 package of lantern mantles and were not expecting to get any more in any time soon! As time gets further into the Fall we will see things become harder to find. Be diligent in your preparing! Like , well.....Your life depends on it! Oh my! There I go again!!!! LOL!

My sincere appreciation in taking your time to read this blog. AND PLEASE feel free to comment and or leave your ideas, plans and recipes! I would LOVE to hear back from anyone who is reading this blog! It would mean a lot to me!

Peace, Sherry

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