Thursday, August 16, 2012

Homemade hot cereal recipe for storage!

I wanted to start sharing my recipes that I've come up with using the dried fruits and veggies Ive been dehydrating. I have seen dried cereal mixes online to purchase and decided I could make them better and way cheaper! That and I know exactly whats in them! This is soooooo super easy!

                                                        Quick Oatmeal with fruit

I have packaged this with my seal a meal to make single servings. And put it into air tight containers. This ended up costing me just pennies per serving! A hearty breakfast!

42 oz container of "quick oats"
(This will make 31  1/2 cup servings !)
Dried milk
Assorted dried fruit, in small pieces
Butter buds
small food sealer bags ( I cut the regular ones down to make my small pouches)

Measurements for 1 pouch or "serving" of hot cereal mix

In a small pouch, about the size of a small envelope....pour in the following:

1/2 cup quick oats
1/8 cup dried fruit
2 tablespoons dried milk powder
1/4 teaspoon butter buds
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon sugar ( or more if you like it sweeter!)
carefully press out as much air as you can. seal and store in a air tight container. When labeling your container add that you will need to add 1 cup of boiling water to prepare.

There you go! Very economical! Yummy and easy!

Enjoy your day!

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