Wednesday, October 31, 2012

TOP 10 LIST ~Things to PREPARE to sustain!!!!


#1. You will need to learn some basic and necessary skills ! Skills like gardening, animal husbandry, plumbing, construction, hydoponics, aquaponics, wood crafting, soap making, candle making, sewing, leather crafting, First aid. Trades that will help others and can contribute to the rebuilding of a crushed economy. Trades that you will be able to barter with as well as goods.

#2. Improve your health! Now or never!!! Make sure you get your self in the best shape that you possibly can! Walk, exercise, yoga...You will need to be your own doctor! Learn about holistic ways to treat illnesses and herbal alternatives to medication where you can!

#3. Store food for you and your family! Learn to can and dehydrate. Grow what you can and share with others! Raise chickens, rabbits and other livestock! Raise your own fish to eat!

#4. Create a "How To" Library! Start collecting books to keep on hand like first aid, Holistic ways to heal yourself, woodworking projects, Canning and cooking, survival books, home handyman "do it yourself" type books! The electricity goes out you wont have the ability to "look it up and Goggle it!". There anything you would like to learn, get a book on it! Thrift shops and yard sales are an excellent way to build your library inexpensively!

#5. Start a HOME business! This will help you supplement your income OR be the main source of your income! You can also use your business as a "barter" tool for what you may need.

#6. Gather trade able goods! This may be the only way we will be able to get items we need! Things like health and beauty products, Extra food items, Alcohol, Ammo, building supplies and tools...These things will all be trade able!

#7. Build a community alliance what you live! Find those who are "like minded" with you and make a plan to help each other and others!

#8. Make sure you have alternative energy! Solar is awesome if you can get it, so is a generator, back up batteries, propane canisters, lamp oil, charcoal, fire wood!

#9. Water purification!!! A filter, tablets and bleach... Make sure you have stored clean drinking water for you and your family! Learn more about collecting rain water and using your "gray" water!!!

#10. Share this information to all! Show more love and appreciation to all and be giving of yourself and what you may have to share! Be your brothers keeper! A Good attitude and happy  and grateful heart will help many!

I had heard this on line and added alittle to it...:)
I thought it was more than noteworthy!
Peace and Blessings to each and everyone of you!
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