Sunday, October 21, 2012


Survival 101
part two
Today's Blog class is on WATER.
Of all the things on EARTH Water is the most important! Man can live without food way longer than he can do without water.

I will give you a few examples of different purification and filtration systems that are out there available to the public.

Lets start with the easiest and least expensive. For my family we have purchased gallon jugs of water at our local grocery store for a dollar a gallon. We have also gathered three gallon "Food grade" plastic containers from food establishments and filled them ourselves with water from our tap.If you live in the "City" your public water source has chlorine and is acceptable for storage without adding anything to it. Although at some point we may add bleach just for good measure! If you re-use any containers for your water make sure that they are FOOD GRADE. And any containers should be a non-clear plastic. Glass is ok if you dont plan to be taking it with you in a emergency. Glass is very heavy and you run the risk of breakage.
ALSO< I dont recommend re-using milk containers for your drinking water. BUT they are great for using for hygiene, laundry , plants or to flush your commode. make sure to use a waterproof marker and mark these jugs "Not for drinking"
If filling containers yourself make sure you "Rotate" your water every year. Bottled water that has been purchased will last without rotating.
Large heavy duty white or blue barrels are available, 3, 5, 10, 30 gallon and even larger .  These can be filled with your hose and stored on your property. When figuring how much water your family needs to store, figure one gallon of water per person for drinking per day. Plus 1 gallon for cooking and one gallon per day for your pets. So, for a family of four plus pets you will need six gallons per day.

There are several items out on the market today and they range in prices. The least expensive would be something I highly recommend that you have on hand in your First Aid kit. Would be water purification tablets. These can be purchased at any camping/recreational stores for under ten dollars.
The absolute best water filter system out there according to Joni Campbell, sales associate at Cabella's in Northern Idaho. Would be "Katadyn" Water filtration systems .They come in a small personal size up to large ones for businesses or schools. Ones for hikers and base camps. These can range in price from $3.95 up to $1200. These use a replaceable drop in filter.
Another is a "SteriPen" Emergency handheld water purifier. This uses a UV light to effectively destroys water bourne  microbes . These sell for under $45.
Something that is fairly new is a gravity fed "AquaPail" This is handy and easy to carry and store! It can treat Undrinkable to drinkable water at 12 gallons per hour.

As you can see there are several great products out there that you can purchase!
BUT whatever you decide on, PREPARE now! It's as easy as picking it up at your grocery store to filling your own containers!

Peace, Sherry

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