Saturday, July 28, 2012

BARTERING The next currency! What was is again!

Back in the day and even WAY before that....People would barter for goods and services. Even today there are various groups in several communities who have"Barter Banks" were they put hours in or items for trade.
You may want to research it in your area.
 In a time of crisis it may be a good idea to have items on hand to barter with. Some items may be things that have slipped your mind but others may have thought about. From basic things to luxury items... Small enough to keep on hand but essential!

Some items that may be beneficial for bartering:

Fire starters
Extra candles
Personal hygiene items
sewing kits
Extra food items
gloves and knitted caps
 This is just a very few ideas!

As for me I have been lucky enough to be able to "harvest" organic bell pepper seeds red, yellow, orange and green. I have a quart size container and plan to continue "harvesting" them! They were free to me but will provide me with a barter item as well as seeds to grow my own peppers!
Also, found large bags of brand new unopened hotel shampoos and conditioners at a local Thrift shop. I was able to purchase bags that contained 60 items in each for only $1.95!!!!
So your imagination is your only limit!
Ask around in your circle of friends! Some or all have a large amount of items they may let you have! never know until you ask!
ALSO, those of you who do extreme couponing.....Anything extra that you got as a bonus can be very helpful in bartering and you may have gotten it for pennies on the dollar or free!....

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