Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Tuesday evening!

Well my food dehydrator is on it's way! I simply can not wait!!!!! As well as a home sprouter and some other goodies!
I'll be sharing lots of great recipes soon too!
We will be leaving tomorrow for Las Vegas to visit family so i wont be on to blog until the weekend or maybe even Monday.
Please comment or share something that you have come up with! Looking forward to new and interesting ideas!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Found yet another great site I'd like to share with you! "Emergency food and power supply" EFPsupply.com
Their food offerings seem to be a good price, PLUS what impressed me was you can buy a "Sample" for less than $6! Try before you buy! Another thing they have is a food calculator. This will help you calculate how many food items you will need for the exact amount of adults and children in your family!! This can be found thru Linden farms as well!
Happy Monday!
Just a short note today...This is the time to collect school and art supplies for the kids!!!! You may want to stock up on spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, marking pins and crayons. Since they are on sale right now it would be wonderful additions for a family activity box! Remember there wont be TV, computer games etc. So these items will provide something for the kids to do! Dont forget puzzles, a deck of cards, games, books, color books...Things to keep 'em all busy! You will also want to keep a few of the notebooks to keep notes, a daily diary or journal of what you and your family are experiencing. Maybe you and your family could sit down together and put together a "memory book". Something you can share later down the road!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Interesting Sunday!

Well, I guess I can officially give my review on MRE's  (ready to eat meals). Today Bill and I went into San Diego for the day and searched out a Army/Navy surplus store. Very interesting! Apparently this store called  "Bargain Center" has been in the North park district since the 1960's. They carry everything from Camis to Wool socks, Boots of all eras to coats and hats. They had a great assortment there and alot of stuff that you can really use at reasonable prices. We ended up getting some clothing as well as a few "must haves" (in my book anyways!!!) We got a porta potti for $20! And bought a few packages of the purification tablets for the water, good deal at $6.95 for 35 quarts of drinking water! And then we took a leap and bought 4 complete MRE meals ( Government issue)...Never had them so we decided to give it a try and see if we like them as well as the dehydrated meals...Well I must say they weren't disappointing! We had the BBQ Beef steak and Mexican mac and cheese. It also had cheese crackers ( Alot like the "combos" that are crackers filled with cheese) 2 slices of what were called whole wheat bread snack ( reminded me of giant crackers shaped like a slice of bread) a pouch of cheddar cheese and bacon spread, a pouch of instant Ice tea with lemon and a pouch of lemon lime drink. Considering this is a "ready to eat " product I have to give it a thumbs up. In fact we bought 3 other meals to try.

You can buy MRE's on line and my suggestion is "Emergency Essentials" at beprepared.com. They have a wide variety of entrees, snacks, side dishes and desserts at great prices! I will be buying more of these for our pantry but will also use freezed dry items as well.

Also went to the Japanese market and purchased several packages of soup mixes that are packaged individually, Bulk loose tea and bulk seasonings for rice. I figure since rice and beans are a major stable we should have different things to enhance it!

I hope you will consider all the different food stuffs to put away! Canned goods are great but take up alot of room and are heavy.
My next purchase was a Food Dehydrator! But the bummer of it I had to get it on line! I could not believe that Target, wal-mart, Dicks sporting goods, sports authority, Sears and REI didnt carry them "In-store". REALLY??? So, If you consider getting one of these, go straight to an online store!

On a lighter note......We did get a couple of Coleman mummy sleeping bags -0 -20 degrees for only $49!!!!!! a piece! At Wal-Mart.

Well, I hope that you find all your supplies at bargain prices! And that you have a wonderful night!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

BARTERING The next currency! What was is again!

Back in the day and even WAY before that....People would barter for goods and services. Even today there are various groups in several communities who have"Barter Banks" were they put hours in or items for trade.
You may want to research it in your area.
 In a time of crisis it may be a good idea to have items on hand to barter with. Some items may be things that have slipped your mind but others may have thought about. From basic things to luxury items... Small enough to keep on hand but essential!

Some items that may be beneficial for bartering:

Fire starters
Extra candles
Personal hygiene items
sewing kits
Extra food items
gloves and knitted caps
 This is just a very few ideas!

As for me I have been lucky enough to be able to "harvest" organic bell pepper seeds red, yellow, orange and green. I have a quart size container and plan to continue "harvesting" them! They were free to me but will provide me with a barter item as well as seeds to grow my own peppers!
Also, found large bags of brand new unopened hotel shampoos and conditioners at a local Thrift shop. I was able to purchase bags that contained 60 items in each for only $1.95!!!!
So your imagination is your only limit!
Ask around in your circle of friends! Some or all have a large amount of items they may let you have! never know until you ask!
ALSO, those of you who do extreme couponing.....Anything extra that you got as a bonus can be very helpful in bartering and you may have gotten it for pennies on the dollar or free!....

Please visit us on Facebook! "Simply Surviving Today" And LIKE us! I will be sharing info on both sites but will not post the same (Dont want to become redundant!)
Our Facebook site has the following "Tips" posted right now:

"How to make your laundry kit for under $50"

"How to make firestarters from using things around your house"
Super easy and a MUST! It runs about $3 for fire starters at our local Albertsons, I can make them at home for...well..FREE!!!!! AND so can you!!!!!!

First aid kit for under $50!

First "kit" I recommend putting together is a first aid kit!
This is soooo easy! I went to the 99cent store and bought the following:

* Assorted band-aides
* gauze
* antibiotic cream
* burn cream
*ace bandage
*cold compress
* tweezers
* hydrogen peroxide                                         DONT forget prescribed meds and reading glasses!
* latex gloves                                                    Also, dental floss, tooth brushes and toothpaste!
* Antacids
* diarrhea medicine 
* assortment of supplements and vitamins
* alcohol wipes
* Ibuprofen
* cold medication
* chapstick
* womens personal hygiene products
****A first aid book!
These can be put into a plastic air tight container OR a new unused gallon paint can! Paint cans can be purchased from your local hardware stores! Once you put the lid on it , it becomes airtight and waterproof! Dont forget to purchase paint can "keys" duct tape it to the side of the can OR tie one onto the handle! It will be a big pain if you cant find one and need to get the can open in case of an emergency!

Getting yourself ready for any crisis doesnt have to be expensive!!!! Here are some GREAT places to get supplies and such!

* 99 cent store
* dollar store
*Family Dollar
* Thrift shops
* Local Hardware store
             Ok, so I dont have a huge budget to obtain the items I feel I may need. I'd say I have about $50 a week to obtain my items. And I have basically just started. BUT I have been able to put together some emergency kits from these places and will share this with you! So, lets break these "kits" down in $50 dollars or less!
The very first thing is to obtain a list for your "basic" needs! There are many sites for preparedness that will have a very comprehensive list that you can print out. I have done this PLUS gone to beprepared.com and asked for a catalog to be sent by snail mail. Not only will I purchase items from this catalog but Im using it as guide to help me obtain what i may need!

 So here goes!
greetings to all!

This blog is intended to help get you and your family ready for a crisis. Be it a earthquake, a flood, a forest fire, a national disaster or a major black out of our power grid. I'm not "Crying Wolf" Or acting like "Chicken Little" this is REAL. It's not "IF" it happens it's more like "WHEN" it happens! Will you be prepared? Do you have enough food for you and your family put away in your pantry to survive a week? A month ? A year????
And what about water? Did you know that without water a person can parish with in just a few days? Dehydration is very nasty and real! And that each person NEEDS 2 liters of water a day. I know I don't drink that everyday as it is, but think about everything you do drink on a daily basis!
I have started to get my household ready and have been doing alot of researching. reading and going out and finding real good deals on things to start collecting for this time.
I felt it necessary to share this with anyone else who would be interested. As we hear about the severe droughts across our country driving food costs up. The crazy storms and floods, earthquakes and tsunamis and Global warming, it just makes good sense to be "boy scouts" of our own lives!!! In other words ......BE PREPARED!
I know for my self and my household, we just want to be able to continue to survive with some amount of normality in case of a crisis.

*** Think about this for a moment if you haven't already ......

If we had a full on disaster like New Orleans did, do you think you could survive it? Think of it, No clean water, No electricity, No heat, cooking gas, gasoline for your car. No lights, TV, most likely no cell phones! Even land lines!Those who could climbed onto their roofs. So many were not prepared, so many lives taken...
Look how long it took for FEMA to offer any type of help. We cant depend on anyone but ourselves. That and GOD.

Think as this as a BIG camping trip! What would you take with you to camp out for a few weeks? What if you dont have ice? What would you take to be comfortable????? Things to ponder.

So please glean what you can from this blog, take what you want from it....Share your ideas with us too! Any great sites for preparedness???? Homesteading? Gardening? Raising animals for food? Whatever you feel that could help inform others please share!

And in ALL things PRAY for guidance in being the most practical and efficient lead person in your families survival!
