Wednesday, January 23, 2013

EXPERIMENT #2! Living off food storage and NO grocery store for 1 whole month!

Using our food storage EXCLUSIVELY for one month!
Well, we did it! I cant believe it but I didn't go to the grocery store even once in a whole month!
The reasoning behind this was to see what we may be lacking in our storage PLUS seeing just what it would be like if this was the only food that was available to us.
I must say it wasn't really to traumatic! The worse part I think was the inability to have a real salad! This was difficult since salads are my favorite things to eat! That and the dealing with no fresh milk or butter.
When we decided to do this we had gone to the market and tried to purchase items that would last the longest in the refrigerator, things like cabbage, onions, potatoes, apples, carrots and other "root" veggies...I figured at least we would have alittle bit of fresh veggies to work with!
Gives me even more of a urgency to continue on with gardening, both traditional and hydroponic!
Although we do have powdered butter and powdered milk, I kinda missed the fresh! Bill and I have been trying several different brands of powdered milk to find out the one right for us that we feel is the closest thing to fresh, we also have been drinking powdered regularly to get used to it. We feel if you are already using your food storage items the easier it will be when you HAVE to!
It was quite the experience! And we have agreed to continue to use our food storage and keep up on re stocking the items we know we use regularly. This way we can also keep a good handle on keeping the items rotated!
I got really creative to and came up with a boat load of NEW recipes to share!
Keep your eyes open for BOGO free! Stock up on items you find on sale! And DO NT forget WATER!!!!
I also didn't go out to eat either...My downfall! I missed that soooo much! But hey! We did eat and we ate well! I suggest you give it a try! Maybe a week or two! I think the whole month was a bit ambitious, but we did it!
Thank goodness for my dehydrator! I have been dehydrating everything!!!1 So We did have alot of dried veggies on hand! I suggest, if you buy nothing else this year for your kitchen, buy yourself a good dehydrator! It's worth its weight in gold as far as I'm concerned!
 Next "experiment" will be living with out power, dont know for how long....but this is what Bill wants to do! As for me....I may have to go on a 'vacation" during this time! LOL! I feel very blessed that my best friend is on the same page as I am! Bill is quite the trooper I must say!
Well my friends, I wish only good things for you!
Keep up the good work and help others by sharing emergancy preparedness with them!
Remember to continue to put things away and store water!
Peace! Sherry
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