Sunday, January 27, 2013

Theres ANGELS all around us!


One day while I was in Idyllwild I happened to look up and saw these unusual clouds....I thought they looked alot like angels!
Just wanted to share this with you!

Have a great evening!

Peace! Sherry
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Now booking "Prep" talks and Food Storage classes!

Contact me for availability!
NOW giving Talks and classes!
Are you a part of a group? Interested in learning how to "Prep" on a shoestring??? Would you and your friends like to spend a fun and informative afternoon preparing "Awesome" food for your pantry?
Then contact me now! The calender is starting to fill up!
You can email me for further info at :

Peace! Sherry
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Friday, January 25, 2013

SALES ALERT! Take advantage of the Super bowl!

Greetings all!

There are some great sales going on right now! Check your local stores for the 'Super Sales" for the super bowl party!
One of the best one ive seen right now is Albert-sons. 10 cans of Campbell s soup for $10! Not only cream of Mushroom and Tomato BUT all the soups! These regularly retail for over $2 a can!!!!
Also, GREAT sales on canned soda and juices as well as bottled water...All stores!
So get out there and STOCK UP! Canned Chili is also a BIG sales item now!
Have fun this week! And dont forget to grab a little extra for the pantry every time you shop! A little at a time adds up!
Oh! Also if you live near the 99 cent store they are carrying Planters brand "Nutrition" peanut butter with granola and fruit. These will be going on sale in your local markets for at least $4!!!  Its really tasty and wont last long!

Well all for now!
Have a awesome Friday!
AND Prep on!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

EXPERIMENT #2! Living off food storage and NO grocery store for 1 whole month!

Using our food storage EXCLUSIVELY for one month!
Well, we did it! I cant believe it but I didn't go to the grocery store even once in a whole month!
The reasoning behind this was to see what we may be lacking in our storage PLUS seeing just what it would be like if this was the only food that was available to us.
I must say it wasn't really to traumatic! The worse part I think was the inability to have a real salad! This was difficult since salads are my favorite things to eat! That and the dealing with no fresh milk or butter.
When we decided to do this we had gone to the market and tried to purchase items that would last the longest in the refrigerator, things like cabbage, onions, potatoes, apples, carrots and other "root" veggies...I figured at least we would have alittle bit of fresh veggies to work with!
Gives me even more of a urgency to continue on with gardening, both traditional and hydroponic!
Although we do have powdered butter and powdered milk, I kinda missed the fresh! Bill and I have been trying several different brands of powdered milk to find out the one right for us that we feel is the closest thing to fresh, we also have been drinking powdered regularly to get used to it. We feel if you are already using your food storage items the easier it will be when you HAVE to!
It was quite the experience! And we have agreed to continue to use our food storage and keep up on re stocking the items we know we use regularly. This way we can also keep a good handle on keeping the items rotated!
I got really creative to and came up with a boat load of NEW recipes to share!
Keep your eyes open for BOGO free! Stock up on items you find on sale! And DO NT forget WATER!!!!
I also didn't go out to eat either...My downfall! I missed that soooo much! But hey! We did eat and we ate well! I suggest you give it a try! Maybe a week or two! I think the whole month was a bit ambitious, but we did it!
Thank goodness for my dehydrator! I have been dehydrating everything!!!1 So We did have alot of dried veggies on hand! I suggest, if you buy nothing else this year for your kitchen, buy yourself a good dehydrator! It's worth its weight in gold as far as I'm concerned!
 Next "experiment" will be living with out power, dont know for how long....but this is what Bill wants to do! As for me....I may have to go on a 'vacation" during this time! LOL! I feel very blessed that my best friend is on the same page as I am! Bill is quite the trooper I must say!
Well my friends, I wish only good things for you!
Keep up the good work and help others by sharing emergancy preparedness with them!
Remember to continue to put things away and store water!
Peace! Sherry
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Friday, January 11, 2013

Follow us on Pinterest!

Hi all! WOW! If you havent checked out Pinterest please do! TONS of wonderful ideas! Things you havent even thought of! Please follow us on Pinterest!

Peace! Sherry

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Now you can leave your comments and feedback!

You can NOW leave us your feedback, comments and ideas!! Without having a g-mail account!
Please let us know youre out there!!!!!!!!
Leave comments !
let us know what topics YOU ARE interested in finding out about!

Looking forward to hearing from YOU!


Friday, January 4, 2013

Update on the Fish Farm!

Fish update
Well this has been quite a learning experience! Its been about a month and a half and we are sad to report that we had lost  about 14 of our little guys from inside and all three of the huge ones from outside....
Fortunately we we able to get them and clean them right away It was just too darn cold outside for them in our pond. But we do have some real beauties in the freezer!
The little guys didn't make it because of the water balance was out of whack. But I believe we have it all dialed in now.
The 10 that have survived are growing like crazy and eat every chance they get! We have been feeding them brine shrimp, talapia food, peas, zucchini and moss pellets, lettuce and swiss chard too.
Kinda spoiled huh?!
And of course they have US trained! Every time either one of us walks by the tank we feed them! They all gather closest to the hallway, so when we walk by they expect to be fed! Smart fish!
Now we really need to get the Hydroponics part in place to get the water balanced out!
Guess that will be on my Preparedness 'To Do" list for this month!

Well, I hope everyone had a great new Years! I hope you make it a priority to Prepare this year!

Peace to all!

Check out this for a Virtual tour of the Bunker!

                            Protective Bunkers survival center
      Click on this link to get a virtual tour of this amazing bunker!

Just got this and wanted to share!!!! They did a awesome job on the presentation!!!!!  So check this out!

                                              Peace! Sherry!