Do you remember that Dr. Seuss Book? It was one of my favorites!
ANYWAYS.......LOL! If you have read some of the older posts you may remember we decided to dabble in raising Talapia to aide in our self sufficiency.
about a year and a half ago we purchased 21 little "frys". We raised them in the house in a large fish tank until they started breeding...Then started another tank for the "Nursery"...Then yet another one for strictly breeding...
WELL, It almost got out of hand! LOL! We now have a huge tank outside and our pond also has about 20 very large males in with the Koi. We estimate at last count we have about 300 talapia now! (Fish tacos anyone???).
We finally got the tanks out of the house (Thank goodness! didn't go with my decor!)
I guess one of the many redeeming qualities of living in San Diego California is the weather.
We don't have much cold weather and that's great for these little guys, they need to be at a water temp of at least 70.
As I think about it...We didn't even have a winter this year.... we had out spring bulbs peeking up in January.
Sooooo, Just wanted to give you an update on the Huffman Fisheries!
We have had them for dinner a time or two. I have to say it's nice to know exactly what you re eating and what they had eaten!
All natural , no chemicals, fruit and veggie raised!
I recommend trying it. Not to sell of course but just for your own consumption. They are very entertaining and very interesting watching the breeding process.
They are mouth breeders. Which means after the eggs have been laid and fertilized the female takes them up into her mouth and keeps them until they hatch and get big enough to let out into the world. She carries so many of them at one time it almost looks like a cloud when she lets them out!
well, guess that's whats up with the aquaponics escapade in our home!
Feeling blessed!
Peace! Sherry